Saturday, 25 April 2020

Ravi Morisetty: How Pharmacists Are Different from Retailers?

A common notion about pharmacists like a Ravi Morisetty has prevailed in the market. In the opinion of laymen, every pharmacist is a retailer and a small-scale businessman like any other retailer shop owner. And they only promote & sell their medical products.

Also Read: Ravi Morisetty​: Recognizing the Evolving Role of a Pharmacist

In this short informative we will understand how pharmacists are different from other retailers?

Reasons Why Pharmacists Are Different from Retailers?

· The pharmacists are accountable to govt. and medical establishment association for ethical working culture.

· Pharmacists are considered as partial medical practitioners because they provide treatment for small diseases like fever, seasonal viral, fever viral, cold, etc.

· They are a great source of medical information to the general public.

· In their store, they need to maintain an adequate level of necessary medicines and medical equipment.

· A pharmacist like Ravi Morisetty does medical counselling of his customers.

· They can treat the patient there and then at their chemist shop if they have the necessary provision for the treatment.

· Pharmacists play the role of a motivator and they boost up the moral of their patients.

· Chemist or pharmacist is an instant medical aid available to the people in their locality.

· The Pharmacist works even under the pandemic conditions to provide general medication to the people.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Ravi Morisetty: How Pharmacist Help To Maintain National Health?

Ravi Morisetty is a phenomenal pharmacist as he maintains the health level among human beings through his pharmacy sciences. The pharmacy and medical science is very aged in terms of research and practices. In different decades there have been comprehensive changes in the methodology and treatment.
The pharmacists like Ravi Morisetty play an important role as a bridge between patients and doctors and they are the most common source of information on illnesses and treatments. The quality of services depends on a pharmacist. 

Objectivity of National Health

  • Pharmacy or Chemist is a huge chain in any country to supply the medications.
  • It is open and available to the general public on different platforms like local markets, online markets, shopping malls, etc.
  • They provide medication to the patients as per the prescriptions
  • Pharmacists run national medical awareness camps through different mediums
  • Chemists are open even in pandemic situations.
  • The pharmacist does periodic research on the new medical sciences and methods.
  • They train patients about new technology and how to use medical equipment.
  • A pharmacist is responsible to keep the latest and quality medical aid and medicines.
  • He works as a medical consultant for his patients. 
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Thursday, 2 April 2020

Ravi Morisetty: How to Handle Challenges as A Pharmacist?

The medical is one industry that deals with change in every second. And that is why it gives maximum challenges to the pharmacists. It is not easy to practice medical without continuous efforts and accurate information. Medical science deals with the human body and illnesses related to it that can be highly dangerous in the absence of right knowledge and skills.

Ravi Morisetty has defined certain tips that can be considered as the solution keys to the challenges faced by the pharmacists. The only way possible to handle such bottlenecks is to follow these tips;

Be Proactive – A proactive person is always ready for any sort of challenge in the future and plans well to get the right solutions to the problems.

Pre-Plan For Uncertainty – Future is uncertain and so are the forthcoming challenges so,  keep your futuristic plans ready to handle the circumstances, for example, the hit of Covid-19 was an unexpected hit.

Have Quality Sources – It is always better to have quality sources for long-term from where you may get all the required updates and legal implementations.

Accept The Change –
You need to accept the change and fly in the direction of the wind to cope up with new just like Ravi Morisetty.