Saturday 25 April 2020

Ravi Morisetty: How Pharmacists Are Different from Retailers?

A common notion about pharmacists like a Ravi Morisetty has prevailed in the market. In the opinion of laymen, every pharmacist is a retailer and a small-scale businessman like any other retailer shop owner. And they only promote & sell their medical products.

Also Read: Ravi Morisetty​: Recognizing the Evolving Role of a Pharmacist

In this short informative we will understand how pharmacists are different from other retailers?

Reasons Why Pharmacists Are Different from Retailers?

· The pharmacists are accountable to govt. and medical establishment association for ethical working culture.

· Pharmacists are considered as partial medical practitioners because they provide treatment for small diseases like fever, seasonal viral, fever viral, cold, etc.

· They are a great source of medical information to the general public.

· In their store, they need to maintain an adequate level of necessary medicines and medical equipment.

· A pharmacist like Ravi Morisetty does medical counselling of his customers.

· They can treat the patient there and then at their chemist shop if they have the necessary provision for the treatment.

· Pharmacists play the role of a motivator and they boost up the moral of their patients.

· Chemist or pharmacist is an instant medical aid available to the people in their locality.

· The Pharmacist works even under the pandemic conditions to provide general medication to the people.

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